
There are some really excellent video resources on the web that can inform and inspire you in your ministry partner development efforts.

You probably know of a few that you've found helpful.  If so, use the link at the bottom of the page to give us your recommendation.

Here is a classic video with a very evident application for those building a ministry support team.

Watch Now ... Change Your Words... Change Your World

In this video, Jeff McLinden (co-author of the excellent Partners for Life) takes a look at the FRANCE model for identifying potential ministry supporters.  

Watch Now ... Finding Partners for Your Ministry

If you raise support for work as a missionary, it helps to understand the real reasons people give.

Marketing expert and support-raising coach Barry McLeish explains the top two reasons people give to missionaries who are raising funds for their work.

Although the audio is not great on this video, the message is superb.

Watch Now ... Reasons People Give to Support Missionaries

Many missionaries who must return from field assignments struggle to raise support.

Barry McLeish, co-founder of, discusses this concern in this training video, part of the "Partners for LIFE!" online missionary training program.

Watch Now ... Is it Harder for Returning Missionaries to Raise Support?

Wondering how to write great support letters to your missionary partner team?

Support-raising coach and trainer Jeff McLinden gives you a quick overview of the elements that will create not only interest, but involvement in your ministry.

Watch Now ... How to Write Great Support Letters

If you are looking for a good, concise introduction to Transformational Giving, here is a 7 minute introduction to the three types of giving:

  • Subtractional Giving
  • Transactional Giving
  • Tranformational Giving

Watch Now ... Transformational Giving: Three Types of Giving

The Navigators has a series of videos on YouTube of helpful devotionals to help when you are active in partner development.

Each of the 20 videos are part of their "MPD Made Simple" internal training and last about a minute and a half.  Very helpful and encouraging.

Visit the Devotional Video Playlist here

Scott Morton (Navigators) has an extensive library of short, to-the-point videos available on his website

Some video titles include:

  • Out of Contacts?
  • Lies We Tell Ourselves
  • Ready to Give Up
  • Outside Your Comfort Zone
  • Are You Overlooking the Key to Full Funding
  • Don't Forget Prevenient Grace

Visit Scott Morton's Video Library

Here is a great video from the Non-profit Story Telling Conference about how (and why and when) you should tell "unfinished stories."

Read more: The #1 Story that Raises the Most Money

In this insightful video, Steven Screen from the Better Fund Raising Company illustrates how to use different verb tenses at the various stages of your donor / partner engagement cycle.

Read more: Use Verb Tenses to Tell Your Donor's Story Through Time

In this rather long video (48 minutes) Steve Screen of the Better Fund Raising Company walks through using AI to improve a fund raising appeal letter.

It's fascinating to watch / listen, and gleen some great insights by a veteran appeal letter writer.

Read more: Using AI to Write a Fundraising Appeal

In a session from the Non-Profit Story Telling Conference, this video illustrates how to take a "story prompt"  (a one or two sentence "idea" for a story) and build it out into a full story.  Although this is not specifically designed for ministries, the concepts here are valid and the 14 minutes you spend here will be helpful to you.

Read more: How to Turn a Story Prompt into a Full Story

idea image lady 1

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